教学实验室的不确定性原理 Uncertainty Principles for Teaching Laboratories

作者:Kevin L. Haglin


Educators must make decisions about learner expectations and skills on whichto focus when it comes to laboratory activities. There are various approachesbut the general pattern is to encourage students to measure ordered pairs, plota graph to establish linear dependence, and then compute the slope of thebest-fit line for an eventual scientific conclusion. To assist educators whenthey also want to include slope uncertainty dependent upon measurementuncertainty as part of the expected analysis, we demonstrate a physicalapproach so that both educators and their students have a convenient roadmap tofollow. A popular alternative that educators often choose is to rely solely onstatistical metrics to establish the tolerance of the technique, but we arguethe statistical strategy can distract students away from the true meaning ofthe uncertainty that is inherent in the act of making the measurements. We willcarry these measurement error bars from their points of origin through theregression analysis to consistently establish the physical error bars for theslope and the intercept. We then demonstrate the technique using anintroductory physics experiment with a purpose of measuring the speed of soundin air.



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