所有这些都是为了一个量子位?局部电路切割方案的边界 All this for one qubit? Bounds on local circuit cutting schemes

作者:Simon C. Marshall Jordi Tura Vedran Dunjko


Small numbers of qubits are one of the primary constraints on the near-termdeployment of advantageous quantum computing. To mitigate this constraint,techniques have been developed to break up a large quantum computation intosmaller computations. While this work is sometimes called circuit knitting ordivide and quantum we generically refer to it as circuit cutting (CC). Much ofthe existing work has focused on the development of more efficient circuitcutting schemes, leaving open questions on the limits of what theoreticallyoptimal schemes can achieve. We develop bounds by breaking up possibleapproaches into two distinct regimes: the first, where the input state andmeasurement are fixed and known, and the second, which requires a given cuttingto work for a complete basis of input states and measurements. For the firstcase, it is easy to see that bounds addressing the efficiency of any approachesto circuit cutting amount to resolving BPP$\stackrel{?}{=}$BQP. We thereforerestrict ourselves to a simpler question, asking what \textit{locally-acting}circuit cutting schemes can achieve, a technical restriction which stillincludes all existing circuit cutting schemes. In our first case we show thatthe existence of a locally-acting circuit cutting scheme which couldefficiently partition even a single qubit from the rest of a circuit wouldimply BPP$=$BQP. In our second case, we obtain more general results, showinginefficiency unconditionally. We also show that any (local or otherwise)circuit cutting scheme cannot function by only applying unital channels.



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