设置场景:生成可控NeRF场景的全局局部训练 Set-the-Scene: Global-Local Training for Generating Controllable NeRF Scenes

作者:Dana Cohen-Bar Elad Richardson Gal Metzer Raja Giryes Daniel Cohen-Or


Recent breakthroughs in text-guided image generation have led to remarkableprogress in the field of 3D synthesis from text. By optimizing neural radiancefields (NeRF) directly from text, recent methods are able to produce remarkableresults. Yet, these methods are limited in their control of each object’splacement or appearance, as they represent the scene as a whole. This can be amajor issue in scenarios that require refining or manipulating objects in thescene. To remedy this deficit, we propose a novel GlobalLocal trainingframework for synthesizing a 3D scene using object proxies. A proxy representsthe object’s placement in the generated scene and optionally defines its coarsegeometry. The key to our approach is to represent each object as an independentNeRF. We alternate between optimizing each NeRF on its own and as part of thefull scene. Thus, a complete representation of each object can be learned,while also creating a harmonious scene with style and lighting match. We showthat using proxies allows a wide variety of editing options, such as adjustingthe placement of each independent object, removing objects from a scene, orrefining an object. Our results show that Set-the-Scene offers a powerfulsolution for scene synthesis and manipulation, filling a crucial gap incontrollable text-to-3D synthesis.



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