行星形成的一个极端测试案例:海王星附近围绕一颗超冷恒星运行 An extreme test case for planet formation: a close-in Neptune orbiting an ultracool star

作者:Gudmundur Stefansson Suvrath Mahadevan Yamila Miguel Paul Robertson Megan Delamer Shubham Kanodia Caleb Cañas Joshua Winn Joe Ninan Ryan Terrien Rae Holcomb Eric Ford Brianna Zawadzki Brendan P. Bowler Chad Bender William Cochran Scott Diddams Michael Endl Connor Fredrick Samuel Halverson Fred Hearty Gary J. Hill Andrea Lin Andrew Metcalf Andrew Monson Lawrence Ramsey Arpita Roy Christian Schwab Jason Wright Gregory Zeimann

在目前的行星形成理论中,像海王星这样大质量的近轨道行星在低质量恒星周围预计非常罕见。我们报告了一颗海王星质量行星的发现,该行星围绕“超冷”恒星LHS 3154运行,其质量是太阳的九倍。这颗行星的轨道周期为3.7天,最小质量为13.2地球质量,是围绕超冷恒星运行的短周期行星中已知的最大的行星质量比($<$\,100天)。行星形成的核心吸积和引力不稳定性理论都很难解释这个系统。特别是在核心吸积的情况下,原行星盘的尘埃质量需要比在超冷恒星的原行星盘中观察到的尘埃质量高一个数量级。 In current theories of planet formation, close-orbiting planets as massive as Neptune are expected to be very rare around low-mass stars. We report the discovery of a Neptune-mass planet orbiting the `ultracool' star LHS 3154, which is nine times less massive than the Sun. The planet's orbital period is 3.7 days and its minimum mass is 13.2 Earth masses, giving it the largest known planet-to-star mass ratio among short-period planets ($<$\,100 days) orbiting ultracool stars. Both the core accretion and gravitational instability theories for planet formation struggle to account for this system. In the core-accretion scenario, in particular, the dust mass of the protoplanetary disk would need to be an order of magnitude higher than typically seen in protoplanetary disk observations of ultracool stars. 论文链接:http://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.13321v1 更多计算机论文:http://cspaper.cn/

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