一种具有非坍缩测量的量子理论 A Quantum Theory with Non-collapsing Measurements

作者:Vincenzo Fiorentino Stefan Weigert


A collapse-free version of quantum theory is introduced to study the role ofthe projection postulate. We assume “passive” measurements that do not updatequantum states while measurement outcomes still occur probabilistically, inaccordance with Born’s rule. All other defining features of quantum theory,such as the Hilbert space setting, are retained. The resulting quantum-liketheory has only one type of dynamics, namely unitary evolution. Passive quantumtheory shares many features with standard quantum theory. These includepreparational uncertainty relations, the impossibility to dynamically cloneunknown quantum states and the absence of signalling. However, strikingdifferences emerge when protocols involve post-measurement states. For example,in the collapse-free setting, no ensemble is needed to reconstruct the state ofa system by passively measuring a tomographically complete set of observables -a single system will do. Effectively, the state becomes an observable quantity,with implications for both the ontology of the theory and its computationalpower. At the same time, the theory is not locally tomographic and passivemeasurements do not create Bell-type correlations in composite systems.



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